Antique Chinese Bird Cages & Beijing Bird Beats
Growing up in Hong Kong, we would once or twice a year go to the bird market. A place where you could get any exotic bird, but mainly you went for the bird cage, and the sweet bird songs. I would stare...
View ArticleDamn Right Wear Your Personality On Your Sleeve
While most people want to fit in this world, I kinda like to do my thing. I walk my walk, kinda go my own way, still read what others read, but I put my body and soul into everything that I do. And I...
View ArticleWant The Skinny? How To Wear Oversized Sweaters
I believe in a certain rule; If you wear one thing over sized, then you must wear something that fits to balance it out. In the whole yin and yang belief system opposites attract and one cannot live...
View ArticleOn The Fifth Day Of Cool… Win A N’Damus Luxury Saddle Bag
On the Fifth day of cool, N’Damus gives to you: Handmade in London, A Luxury Lemon Saddle Bag! As a huge fan of minimalism and well constructed accessories, I have to admit I was blown away by the...
View Article6 Essential Tips For Finding Cool Leather Jackets
Here are tips for finding cool leather jackets that I adhere to. As I build the perfect wardrobe I have guidelines for myself. It helps me stay focused on what it is that I want, saves time and money,...
View ArticleSigns A Digital Detox Camp Is What You Need Now
Let’s face it, slowing and surely we’re becoming a society that cannot unplug, we cannot be without our life line to the outer world – Yes It’s pathetic to admit, but I’m talking about our cell phones....
View ArticleHow A Simple Button Can Change An Entire Look
I’ve played more and more with button down collar shirts. I have shifted towards styling my shirts buttoned at the top, and then unbuttoning as I go down. I feel the look is more polished, structured,...
View ArticleRocking Sequins Is All About Confidence
I learnt the key to confidence very early on. I had a class with a girl who always wore what she wanted to. She had an eclectic style, finesse and didn’t have a care in the world. Some days she wore a...
View Article4 Easy Tips On How To Wear A White Dress In Winter
As we march on into a new year, I also focus on my new years style and where I’m headed. And funnily it’s always the same thing; cleaner, crisper, and wearing all colors anytime of the year. Since I’ve...
View Article6 Mind Blowing Quotes To Live By
As someone that loves quotes and looks up to strong women, Cuban Author Anais Nin, who’s published works as a diarist, has earned the right to be acclaimed as an important and valuable author and...
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